Saturday, July 26, 2008

quick update

Hey y'all!

I'm in Kansas City. I arrived Thursday evening. I spent the evening with my Aunt Janet's family and we walked the plaza which was a lot of fun. :-) I spent yesterday afternoon and evening with Grandma and Grandpa Rockhold. It was very relaxing to sit and chat and catch up on things. :-) Today Aunt Janet's family and I are leaving to head down to Turkey Hill. I will be stay through all three family camps and then heading home with the Walrath's family. So all in all I should be home around August 15th.

I was going to post a couple more pictures but that will have to wait since I am not on my computer right now. :-)

~Because I Know Christ Lives~

Friday, July 18, 2008


I was soooo happy because...


You know the red Mesa in my profile pic? well this is it!!

Lots and lots of puddles!!! :-D

mud can kinda see the rain drops

Steady stream

RIVER!!! :-D

A very happy and wet me!
So a lot has happened since my last update. John and Ruth left with their kids and grand kids and when hiking for a week leaving me in charge, they came home and left again for a family reunion in CO. I was once again in charge for the week. It was fun. Shannon came during the day and we did all kinda of work projects. We painted Anne's living room, finished painting the bleachers, finished staining a deck, stained some playground equipment, weeded John's garden and one of Ruth's, chopped down weeds, hunted and collected step ladders, cleaned a big room in the Holcomb building, moved boards, painted the game room, stacked desks in the two high school rooms to get ready for the youth group that is coming Sunday and general other things.
This morning John and Ruth received a call from their son Davy saying that his wife Katie was dying. She had had a brain aneurysm this morning and the doctors were doing surgery to stop the bleeding and relieve the pressure on her brain but told him there was only a 10% chance of her surviving. Well the Lord has worked through out the day and Katie was able to squeeze Davy's hand and move her feet when he asked. Then she started talking. Not complete sentences but words. She even sat up and pulled out her oxygen tubes and said "yes!". The doctors are completely amazed. They said that she is still in a semi-comma (not drug induced). John and Ruth fly out at 6 am to go be with them for a week, we are leaving here at 3 am. I will be driving their truck back. So pray for travel mercies for them.
The youth group from Cali comes on Sunday bringing 90+ young people with them. We have several work projects planned for them out in the community as well as VBS's in the evening. They will be here through Friday morning. Pray for their travels, and that they would be a blessing in the community as well as a witness for Christ. Be praying for Greg, Ranson, Lula, Lorena and myself as we work with the youth group.
Lastly I will be leaving to head home on Thursday. I will fly to KC and then spend two weeks at Turkey Hill for Ozark I and II.
Well I'd better get going. I have to be up early tomorrow.
~Because I Know Christ Lives~

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

and so begins week three :-)

Sunday Lorena took me to Four Corners!! It was so much fun! We looked at all the booths and stuff which was really cool. The youth group from Metford Oregon also arrived on Sunday. There are 15 of them all together.
Below is a picture of me standing in four states at once! :-)

Monday we (the youth group and I) started mixing and pouring concrete slabs. We had to sift sand and rocks from the wash bed for the concrete.
Tuesday I helped take out part of an old fence and set the posts for the new one.
We also mixed more concrete for the slabs.
Today most of the youth group went out into the community to pour some more concrete. Kevin, Jacob, Kelsi, Evan and I stayed here and did some minor work around the mission. We reset a fence post and prepped the posts for the fence, laid new carpet for Lorena as well as some other "odd jobs". :-)
This evening we all walked down to a Slot Canyon. It was really cool! About a mile from the mission on part of a wash were it narrows down a lot. It reminds me of a cave in Missouri only its open on the top. It was a lot of fun!

this evening John set off a couple of fire crackers for us to start getting the 4th of July mood going! :-)
Well that's all for tonight!
~Because I Know Christ Lives~

Friday, June 27, 2008

My week

Sorry I didn't update this week y'all! I've been really tired this week and was just to plan lazy. But to make up for it I'm posting about all week *and* posting pictures too :-) so enjoy!
John made it safely to Kansas! :-) Ruth, Kathy and I went into town all day and went antique shopping. I bought a birthday present for my sister and a bracelet for me. Then we had lunch, did our errands at wal-mart and then came home. It was a very fun trip!

Ruth's roses with the massa (sp?) in the background

Sunset on Tuesday...don't you love the way the light reflects??

Ruth's roses with the massa in the background at sunset

Massa with the hummingbird feeder

open range with horses

"Go to the ant thou sluggard..."

But watch out cause those are fire ants and they hurt!

Sunset on Tuesday night

And again

And again


Ruth and I painted her living room, we had to paint the ceiling too because they had had a water pipe leak during Christmas and had to re-sheet rock everything. That took all day.


....I started working on staining Becky's deck. And then Ruth, Lorena and I left to go to Gallup NM to meet and pick up John. It was a 3 hour trip and slept most of the way there and most of the way back.


Sunset on Thursday


This rock formation was on the way to Gallup, in New Mexico (across the road from the next one) Lorena said that in Navajo the name means "The Heart Says"

And in Navajo this one means "The Blue Heart Speaks"

Horses out on the range

Today I worked on the deck some more but didn't get finished because I ran out of stain. We (John, Ruth, Kathy, Greg and I) where invited to the Beasly's for dinner (a older couple from South Dakota who just moved here recently and goes to the chapel) Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in!! Oh and the youth group comes :-)

Well that's all for tonight!

~Because I Know Christ Lives~


Monday, June 23, 2008

First week!

Well its been a week today since I arrived here in Arizona and I must say that I love it and feel extremely blessed to be here.

Recap of the weekend...Saturday I slept in...late. It wasn't until I took a loooong nap again yesterday that I finally figured out why I'm so tired...Camp of course :-). Anyway on Saturday John when into town all day and Ruth and I hung out here watching movies and being generally lazy. (we watched the newest pride and prejudice and Pollyanna and part of Swiss family Robinson Mama :-) She made an "English breakfast" for us for dinner which we had with a lovely cup of tea. For those of you who are wondering (or still wondering) what English breakfast is it is soft boiled eggs served in the shells, with toast (we put garlic on ours) cut into strips which are called your "solders" :-). You cut off the top of your egg and dip your "solders" into the yolk to eat it, then you use a spoon to scoop out the egg whites which have been cooked solid. So its really like eating a fried egg in the shell but its not fried so its better for you. :-) We had our English breakfast with fruit.

Yesterday we went to church which was an interesting experience for me because the services were half in English and half in Navajo because there are some older Navajos who come that don't speak much English. I really like Navajo. It is a very pretty language. I think it would be fun to learn to speak some :-) After church we had lunch and then were all generally lazy again.

Which brings me to today. I was not lazy at all today. In fact I got quite a bit done. I worked by myself all day today at the house we are working on remodeling because John had to go into town to get supplies for then the youth group arrives on Sunday because he is driving a truck back to Kansas to tomorrow and won't be home until Thursday so if you could be praying for his trip that would be amazing! :-) Also be praying for Ruth and I as we are here getting ready for the youth group's arrival. Oh and please pray for the VBS the youth group will be doing in the evening all of next week. It is held in the houses of the Navajo people around us which is a great outreach to the community here.

Anyway back to what I did today. I painted two walls in the house with a brush because they are textured and the roller wasn't working well enough, I painted a door and its door frame in the kitchen (only one I didn't paint last week because I didn't have the right color), scrubbed down 5 walls of wood paneling, mopped all the laminate flooring, and cleaned 3 large windows that were really really really dirty. So I really gave my arms/shoulders a work out today. But that's ok because tomorrow Ruth, Kathy and I are all going into town for the day. :-) I think we are done with the remodeling in the house now...unless John thinks of one more thing to do which he might. :-)

So to recap the prayer requests...John traveling, Ruth and I here. The youth group coming, and the VBS they will have in the evening all of next week. :-)

Well I've gotta run!

~Because I know Christ Lives~

Friday, June 20, 2008

Going once...going twice...sold!! -or - New Mexico and the Auction

This is on the road out...our "14 mile driveway" :-)

Also on the way out

NEW MEXICO!!! :-) It was kinda soon as we crossed the state line the dirt became that tanish brown color instead of the red that it is here.

Rock formation in New Mexico

Flower shopping!! :-)

My antique light blue blown glass pitcher that I paid all of $12.50 for :-)

Hand painted glasses that came in the box that I paid $2.50 for

Glasses, a set of 8 by Georges Breands (?) that also came in my box

The set of 8 antique pink glasses that I bought the box for


So today was tons of fun!! :-) This morning I finished up the little bit that was left of the trim working in the trailer we are remodeling and then John, Ruth, Lorena and I went into town for the afternoon. We did our shopping and then headed to the auction. It was amazing. I have caught Auctionitus!! I was amazed at the good deals I got on things. The blown glass pitcher I got is worth anywhere from $30 and upwards and I only paid $12.50 for it just to give you an idea of how good the deals were. As for the glasses I got 20 glasses for $2.50 and I haven't looked up how much they are worth yet. It was SO much fun!

Um...lets see...oh the first youth group comes from Oregon a week from Sunday. That should be fun :-)

Well I'm tired so I'll go for tonight.

~Because I Know Christ Lives~